Sunday, February 8, 2015

February Thaw

Our sun showers have been a thing of the past since October, so getting dirty means staying dirty at the RPR. This weekend saw temperatures in the 60s under sunny skies -- perfect chance to push forward on the bathroom work.

We started by putting on the soffit around the roofline to finish the outside skin. Still need to caulk and add trim, but this pretty much completes the exterior.

Then it was on to the interior, and running the plumbing and electrical lines through the studs. We also put the shower pan in place and made some plumbing "adjustments" underneath the floor.

Next, we built the ribs of a wall that will separate the shower from the sink vanity, and began putting the sink together out of various materials we've been saving -- the sink from my own bathroom remodel at home, an unused top from an Ikea desk set, and a piece of countertop leftover from the kitchen.

So that part of the bathroom is starting to come together.

We also spent some time surveying the far corner of the ranch to mark some property line stakes, and found a few interesting things, like this 6-foot tall solitary yucca plant...

...and this old barbed-wire enclosure, probably for a feeder, now only keeping out the tumble weeds.

Texas blue skies, far and wide.

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